Essay competition
Essay competition
The Council of the Church Monuments Society offers a biennial prize of £500 called the Church Monuments Essay Prize, to be awarded with a certificate for the best essay submitted in the relevant year. The prize will only be awarded if the essay is considered by the judges to be of sufficiently high standard to merit publication in the peer-reviewed journal Church Monuments. Entries in addition to the winner may be considered for publication.
The competition is open only to those who have not previously published an article in Church Monuments. Entrants need not be members of the Church Monuments Society, but are recommended to familiarise themselves with Church Monuments: abstracts and indexes can be found on the website https://churchmonumentssociety.org.
The focus of the essay must be a monument/s in a church, churchyard or cemetery, of any period and location. Entries must be submitted in English.
The length (including notes) should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words, with a maximum of 10 illustrations.
The closing date for new entries is 31 January 2025.
Please contact the Hon. Journal Editor for a copy of the rules and the guidelines to contributors and/or for advice on the suitability of a particular topic.
Jonathan Trigg
Contact: https://churchmonumentssociety.org/contact-us
Now open for Entries
The closing date for new entries is 31 January 2025