Church Monuments Society

Supporting the Church Monuments Society

As the leading charity dedicated to encouraging the preservation, study and appreciation of church monuments, the Society plays a critical role in safeguarding these unique markers of cultural heritage for future generations. You can help the Church Monuments Society by making a philanthropic gift in support of its work. Certain gifts are also eligible for gift aid.

You can donate easily via PayPal: go to .

To discuss larger donations, or to ask about GiftAid, contact the Treasurer via the contact form .

Remembering the Church Monuments Society in your will

Did you know you can leave a bequest to the Church Monuments Society?

A gift to the CMS in your will could help the Society to promote the preservation, study and enjoyment of church monuments far into the future. Many people find that leaving a bequest is a good way to make a significant and lasting contribution to a cause important to them. It may cost nothing in their lifetimes, yet provide much satisfaction and peace of mind. And by leaving a bequest, you may be able to lower the inheritance tax bill on your estate – potentially saving your family thousands of pounds. You should speak with your lawyer about the potential inheritance tax advantages of leaving a charitable bequest in your will.’

Bequests might support the general activities of the Society, or enable a specific project close to your particular interests.

How to leave a gift in your will:

In order to arrange to make a gift in this way, you may need either to draw up a new will or add a codicil to your present will. In any situation of making or amending your will, you are advised to seek professional legal assistance.

Should you wish to remember the Society in your will, its proper name is: The Church Monuments Society. Our address is: The Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BD, UK. As the Society is a registered charity, it may receive gifts free of tax. Bequests may be made to the Society free of UK Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax. Within the UK, we are registered charity No. 1197588.

In order to direct your gift towards a particular purpose or aim, a preferred form of words, in order to make your intentions clear, is to name the Society as the beneficiary, then using the phrase, ‘with the request that it be used for’, followed by a description of the particular purpose. An unrestricted gift can be especially valuable to the Society, as it will allow us to support the greatest needs and highest priorities of the time. In this case, we would suggest the wording, ‘with the request that it be used for the general purposes of the Society’.

If you have already decided to include a gift to the CMS in your will, we would be most grateful to be notified, so that not only can we thank you but also we can plan for the eventual receipt of the gift and its use.

For further information on leaving a gift to the Society in your will, or discussion of your plans in preparation for doing so, please contact the Secretary or Treasurer (via the contact form).