Church Monuments Society


church monuments society allsaints bisham berks

Join the Church Monuments Society

Membership of the Church Monuments Society is open to everyone who is interested in church monuments. Members come from all over the UK and some are from further afield. We meet regularly at excursions and study days and we all contribute to furthering the understanding of tomb carvings and the art of commemoration.

What you get as a member:

  • The journal Church Monuments, published every year, with in-depth articles and book reviews
  • The more informal Newsletter with up-to-date news and information on forthcoming events
  • Reduced fees for study days and excursions
  • Information on events arranged by similar organisations, and sometimes reduced fees for these.

Membership options

Membership type Single year Annually by standing order
Individuals £28 £25 Join
Students/under 18s £15 £15 Join
Families £33 £30 Join
Corporate £30 £30 Join

Please note:

Forms to download and print

The greater use of standing orders by members will help reduce the postage charges currently incurred by the Society. A form for paying by standing order can be downloaded here , or on request (to the membership secretary, Claire Downing – you can contact her via the contact form) will be posted to you. Members are also urged to please sign a gift-aid declaration, provided they do pay UK income and/ or capital gains taxes. You can download a gift-aid form here.

Please download, print then complete the forms above and return them with your subscription, to the Membership Secretary:

Claire Downing

9 Kestrel Drive,
Sundorne Grove,