The Cross-Legged Effigy in Context: Myth and Legend
Online event
Online event
The third in the April-May 2021 mini-series of free lectures providing an introduction to the Church Monuments Society: a talk about cross-legged effigies of medieval knights, by Mr Mark Downing, President of the Church Monuments Society.
Many churches across England and Wales contain knights’ effigies which have their legs crossed. This talk explores the iconography of the so-called “Crusader Knight” from their first appearance in Medieval church art up to when fashions reformed a new image for the knight.
Mr Mark Downing has studied Medieval effigies for the past 30 years and has published a nine-volume catalogue of all the military effigies in England and Wales dating up to 1500. He has also published books on Lincolnshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire. He has sat on the Church Monuments Society council since 1997 and is its current President.
This online talk is FREE to all and will take place on Zoom. Places must be booked via Eventbrite – go to to register.