Symposium 2025: Tombs of the Aristocracy
West Dean College
West Dean College, West Dean, Chichester, West Sussex PO18 0QZ
West Dean College
West Dean College, West Dean, Chichester, West Sussex PO18 0QZ
We are delighted to invite you to the next Church Monuments Society symposium, which will be held at West Dean College from Friday 29th to Sunday 31st August 2025.
Our theme, Tombs of the Aristocracy, is inspired by the magnificent tombs of the Fitzalans and Howards (Earls and Dukes of Norfolk) in Arundel and Chichester but covers so much more (see the provisional programme below). The event will include expert lectures and two excursions, with both residential and non-residential options for attending. Please download the relevant booking form from below, which can be emailed to us (instructions on the form).
The symposium is open to anyone, but members of the Church Monuments Society are eligible for Early Bird rates up to 31st March 2025. We encourage early booking, but the final deadline for bookings is 30th June 2025. See the booking forms for more details and conditions.
Those aged under 30, and/or registered on full- or part-time degree courses, are eligible for a special reduced rate, but these special rates are strictly limited in number and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please use the relevant booking form to apply.
Provisional Programme (to be updated as lecture timetable is finalised)
Friday 29th August: West Dean College
Saturday 30th August: West Dean College lectures and excursion to Chichester Cathedral
Sunday 31st August: West Dean College lectures and excursion to Fitzalan Chapel, Arundel
Lectures will include:
Dr Tobias Capwell: The French Connection: Refining the Stylistic Attribution of Armour Represented on Certain English Effigies c. 1435-1450
Dr Adam White: John, Lord Lumley, the last of his line
Dr Roger Bowdler: Humility in the Grave: outdoor aristocratic monuments over the centuries
Sophia Dumoulin: ‘meete for my degree and callinge’: The Monument to Frances Sidney, Countess of Sussex, in Westminster Abbey
Brian & Moira Gittos: Beaufort’s pride’: the Tomb of John, 1st Duke of Somerset at Wimborne Minster.
Dr David Carrington: The Church Monuments Society in Action: progress report on the Getty-funded North Yorkshire monument conservation publication.
Pat Poppy: Fashion, status or timeless: clothing in 17th century church monuments.
We look forward to seeing you at this exciting event!
Meanwhile – there is a gallery of photos below to whet your appetites.