Part of the April-May 2021 mini-series of free lectures providing an introduction to the Church Monuments Society: a talk on the monument to Francis Mond by Rainer Hoff at St Mary’s Church, Storrington, by Dr Holly Trusted FSA
Captain Francis Leopold Mond (1896-1918) was killed in action during the First World War. The memorial to him is on the north-east wall of St Mary’s Church Storrington, West Sussex. It was executed by the young British sculptor Rainer Hoff (1894-1937). This bold and moving work is often overlooked by visitors; the guide book to the church for example does not mention it. Yet its history is intensely poignant, and just as importantly it is an extremely impressive monument sculpturally, worthy of the heroic young man it commemorates. This lecture will centre on this memorial, and the daunting woman who was primarily responsible for it: Francis’s mother, Angela Primrose Hamilton Schweich Mond (née Goetze) (1871-1941).
Dr Holly Trusted FSA (formerly known as Marjorie Trusted) is a graduate of Cambridge University and the Courtauld Institute of Art, and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. A Senior Honorary Research Fellow at the Victoria and Albert Museum, she was previously Senior Curator of Sculpture at the V&A. She is co-founder and co-chair of the Public Statues and Sculpture Association and founding editor of the Sculpture Journal. She has lectured and published widely on sculpture, including British Sculpture 1470-2000 (2002), The Arts of Spain: Iberia and Latin America 1450-1700 (2007), The Making of Sculpture (2007), Baroque and Later Ivories (2013) and The Cast Courts (2018). She is currently preparing a book on German baroque sculpture.
Event Information
This online talk is FREE to all and will take place on Zoom. Places must be booked via Eventbrite: go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lost-and-found-the-monument-to-francis-mond-by-rainer-hoff-at-storrington-registration-147405225999 to register. This is the final in a series of online talks April-May 2021 that aims to provide an introduction to the Church Monuments Society.