Church Monuments Society

The Newsletter

CMS newsletter 30 vol1 small

Volume 30 – Number 1


Conservation Cases Recorder's Report David Carrington

Excursion to Hertfordshire & Middlesex. 10th May 2014 Jean Wilson

Visit to Marholm Church & Milton Hall,13th May 2014 Jean Wilson

Rumbling in God's acre: a conference on churchyard monuments, 7th June 2014 Barbara Tomlinson

Excursion to Yorkshire, 19th July 2014 Hilary Wheeler

Historical and Archaeological Societies Fair. Internation Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 2014 Ellie Pridgeon

Canterbury Symposium, September 2014


The so-called 'Crowmer Monument' at Aldenham, Berkshire Sally Badham

Lead coffins at St Bees Chris Robson

'A sanguinary outrage' Hilary Wheeler

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How to contribute

We welcome contributions on a range of topics related to monuments and commemoration. Initial enquiries about substantial articles for possible publication in the Journal should be sent to the Editor. Shorter articles and news items can be published in the Newsletter. We also welcome less formal contributions for Monument of the Month and the Blog.

Additional guides on submissions, copyright and publishing online can be found in this section.