CMS Study Day at Much Marcle, 12th June 2010 Jane Kelsall
Excursion to Hatfield and Hertfordshire, 26th June 2010 Andrew C Skelton
An Excursion in West Yorkshire, 31st July 2010 David Lee
'Tomb Monument Commemoration in Medieval Europe I: Monumental Brasses and Incised Slabs', Kalamazoo 2110
Abstracts of the first three papers from this conference are printed in the Newsletter; the titles are below:
1. The import of choice: Flemish incised slabs in fourteenth-century Britain Paul Cockerham, independent scholar
2. The brass of Sir John de Creke (d. 1328/1332) and his wife Alyne at Westley Waterless, Cambridgeshire: its context and audience Robert Kinsey, University of York
3. The Canons of Saint Paul's Cathedral, London and their brasses Christian Steer, Royal Holloway, University of London
A Re-Exaination of the Serlo Monument in Gloucester Cathedral Robert and Joan Tucker
A Semi-Effigial Monument to a Lawyer at Wadworth, Yorkshire Sally Badham
Tales from Chaucer: A Literary Exhumation Andrew Sargent
Mind Thee to Die - Addendum Paula Frosch
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