Church Monuments Society

The Newsletter

35 1

Vol 35 Number 1

Society Notices including information on bequests; reports on the 2019 AGM and Study Day, the Somerset and Dorset weekend and the Northamptonshire excursion; Conservation Cases Recorder’s report for 2018/19.
List of monuments in churches under threat of redundancy
Report of the theft of a monument from a Suffolk church
A Modern Monument to a Monk: the memorial to Abbot Anscar Vonier at Buckfast Abbey
Clive Easter
Review of Christopher Hadley, Hollow Places: An Unusual History of Land and Legacy
Note on the online Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture
Recent Publications

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How to contribute

We welcome contributions on a range of topics related to monuments and commemoration. Initial enquiries about substantial articles for possible publication in the Journal should be sent to the Editor. Shorter articles and news items can be published in the Newsletter. We also welcome less formal contributions for Monument of the Month and the Blog.

Additional guides on submissions, copyright and publishing online can be found in this section.