Church Monuments Society

Sophie Oosterwijk was co-editor of Church Monuments for many years and is now a Vice President of the Society. She taught at the universities of Leicester, Manchester and St Andrews, and was a research coordinator for the MeMO (Medieval Memoria Online) project at Utrecht University. She now lives in the Netherlands again, working freelance as a researcher, writer and editor, and as a lecturer for the University of Cambridge, The Arts Society and other organisations. Her numerous publications include Monumental Industry: The Production of Tomb Sculpture in England and Wales in the Long Fourteenth Century (2010, with Sally Badham), Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (2011, with Stefanie Knöll), and John Lydgate, The Dance of Death, and its Model, the French Danse Macabre (2021, with Clifford Davidson).