Church Monuments Society


Study Day at St. Albans Cathedral, Hertfordshire

By CMS in Uncategorised

Our sister society the Monumental Brass Society has sent us this notice of their forthcoming study day

Study Day at St. Albans Cathedral, Hertfordshire

Saturday, 14th September 2024

The theme is St. Albans Abbey and its Medieval Monuments. Speakers will include David Carrington on The Restoration of the St. Amphibalus’ shrineJohn Goodall on Abbot Ramridge’s Chantry, including Duke Humphrey’s tombNorman James on The medieval monastic community 1349-1539; and David Lepine on Re-examining the Delamare brass.

There will also be two tours: Derrick Chivers will give a tour of the indents and fragments of brasses to abbots, while Stephen de Silva, a former Head Guide, will focus on the 14th-century wall paintings in the nave. Each tour will be limited to 20 people and will be delivered twice. The audiences will swap over at the mid point.

The visit is limited to a maximum of 40 people. Fee £35 per person (M.B.S. and C.M.S. members), or £40 (non-members), to include morning coffee and afternoon tea. To book a place, email When booking, please state whether you are M.B.S., C.M.S. or a non-member, so that the correct fee can be requested.

The Cathedral contains many brasses or remains of brasses, described in detail in Lack, Stuchfield and Whittemore, The Monumental Brasses of Hertfordshire (2009). Electronic copies from this book will be supplied in advance to each participant.

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