Church Monuments Society


Medieval child memorials: links and further reading

By CMS in Events

Sophie Oosterwijk has kindly sent us these links and further reading from her lecture ‘Medieval child memorials: myths and mistakes’

The ‘Stanley Boy’ is at

The monument to ‘Lady Constantia’ is at

and some ‘boy bishops’ at

For more in-depth research, some reading:

* Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Chrysoms, shrouds and infants on English tomb monuments: a question of terminology?’, Church Monuments, 15 (2000), 44-64.

* Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘A chrysom brass at Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire’, Monumental Brass Society Transactions, 16 (2002), 471-474.

* Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Deceptive appearances. The presentation of children on medieval tombs’, Ecclesiology Today, 42 (2010 – theme issue on church monuments, ed. by Sally Badham), 43-58.

* Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Babes on brackets. A meaningful distinction or an iconographic oddity on medieval tomb monuments?’, in Rolf de Weijert et al. (eds), Living memoria. Studies in medieval and early modern memorial culture in honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum: Verloren, 2011), 251-268.

* Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Adult appearances? The representation of children and childhood in medieval art’, chapter 32 in Sally Crawford, Dawn Hadley and Gillian Shepherd (eds), Oxford handbook of the archaeology of childhood (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), 590-607.


On ‘precious-metal’ monuments (incl. Princess Katherine and Prince Afonso):

* Sally Badham and Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘The tomb monument of Katherine, daughter of Henry III and Eleanor of Provence (1253-7)’, The Antiquaries Journal, 92 (2012), 169-196.

* Sally Badham and Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘“Monumentum aere perennius”? Precious-metal effigial tomb monuments in Europe 1080-1430’, major survey article, Church Monuments, 30 (2015), 7-105.


On heart/entrail burials:

* Sally Badham, ‘Divided in death: The iconography of English medieval heart and entrails monuments’, Church Monuments, 34 (2019), 16-76.


On post-Reformation monuments:

Jean Wilson, ‘Holy innocents; some aspects of the iconography of children on English renaissance tombs’, Church Monuments, 5 (1990), 57–63.

Jean Wilson, ‘Dead fruit: commemoration of still-born and unbaptized children in early modern England ‘, Church Monuments, 17 (2002), 89–106.

Jean Wilson, ‘The darlings of the gods: Monuments to adolescents in early modern England’, Church Monuments, 18 (2003), 65–89.


And finally, she says, ‘for the historical novels I frivolously made reference to:

* Maurice Druon, the Les rois maudits (The accursed kings, trans.) series, on the French king Philip the Fair and his descendants/successors.’

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